Perosian Year

Rome, 21st December 2022



Cappella Musicale Pontificia "Sistina" - 21st December 2022


• Missa pro Defunctis
• Offertorio sopra l’inno “Veni Creator Spiritus”, per organo
• Te Deum – Ricercare per organo



• O sacrum convivium (a 4 v.d.)
• Adoramus te, Christe (a 8 v.d.-doppio coro)
• Ave Maria (a 4 v.d.) 
• Pater noster (a 4 v.d.)
• Oremus pro Pontefice (a 5 v.d.)
• Pange lingua (a 4 v.d.)
• Tu es Petrus (a 5 v.d.)

Adeste Fidelis


Lorenzo Perosi, dopo 150 anni una realtà ancora presente

In this webinar, five eminent personalities in the musicological and musical fields shed light, with their narration, on different aspects of the personality and artistic and human events of Lorenzo Perosi, whose 150th birthday we celebrate today, December 21, 2022.

These are the speakers and the topics covered in the webinar:

– Archbishop Giuseppe Liberto: The Oratories of Perosi, especially the “Transitus Animae”
– Dr. Sandro Cappelletto: Perosi and the Quartets
– Maestro Emanuele Vianelli: The organ at the time of Perosi. The Caecilian reform
– Prof. Matteo Marni: The space of music in the rites of the late 1800s, when the genius of Perosi comes to the fore
– Dr. Angelo Foletto: Perosi and Puccini. Perosi’s relations with the Young School


The Perosian Year consists of a celebration of Perosi’s music in all its musical and cultural forms in general. We will have concerts in choral music churches, concerts in theaters and secular institutions of his symphonic pieces and oratories and cultural events.

The Perosian Year will see its beginning on 21.12.2022, the 150th year of the birth of Mons. Lorenzo Perosi with an official concert in the Sistine Chapel with the Choir of the Office of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Holy Father.

It seemed right to us, given the musical and cultural depth of Mons. Perosi to be able to transform the idea of ​​this Year into something that does not remain static in 2022-2023 and that can develop over time. So we want to be able to take not only musical worlds but also cultural worlds, which makes us push more and more to promote this period with organizations and institutions that can collaborate to bring this idea, Perosi’s idea of ​​Culture.

For these reasons we have created the National Committee for the Perosian Year, arriving at a fixed, crucial point of certification in order to develop an idea and give a cultural and musical training, wanting to organize scholarships, teachings, collaborations with universities and Conservatories, with Institutions and Academies, creating moments of cultural study with newsletters and events.

Pontifical Council for Culture

The Pontifical Council for Culture traces its origins to the Second Vatican Council and its desire to open up to that great, dynamic, multiform world of contemporary culture. 

In the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, the Council Fathers expressed the need for the Church to dialogue with the different existing cultures. The Church, faithful to its own traditions, is aware of the universality of its mission and the need for a new humanism, so enters into communion with the different forms of culture in a dialogue that can enrich the Church as much as cultures. 

The Pontifical Council for Culture is committed to dialogue in the many spheres of human interest and activity: in the sciences and humanities, economics and sports, digital culture and artificial intelligence, cultural heritage and the Courtyard of the Gentiles, and in the arts and music.

The PCC Plenary Assembly

Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music

Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music – PIMS. Faculty Sui Iuris of the Holy See. The adjective “pontifical” is equivalent to “state-owned”. It is, therefore, an institution that is part of the university and academic educational organizations in which the Church, aimed not only as a religious entity, but also as a public body with a legal personality of sovereign state, recognizes the value of higher education institute.

The Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music does not belong to a University department. The word “Sui Iuris” is the definition that confers the Institute the dignity and value of University. The Institute organizes the educational offer on an academic level, divided in the three classical cycles according to the so-called “Bologna process” that has been chosen as an international criteria: Baccalaureate (three-year cycle), Masters (two-year cycle) and PhD (third cycle as a doctoral research degree).

The educational activity is complited by providing the right preparatory training for higher education in a particular area such as the musical one.

PIMS - Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music

Sistine Chapel Choir


The Sistine Chapel Choir, also known as the Sistine, is one of the oldest choral ensembles still active. Traces of the Pope’s cantores have been found since the first centuries of the Church, but it is with the construction of the Sistine Chapel by Pope Sixtus IV and especially in the 1500s with Sixtus V, that its final institutionalization takes place.

The relevance of the Choir has brought into it great masters and during the centuries it has paved the way for the development of Western music and of a unique repertoire such as that of Guillaume Dufay, Josquin Desprez, Cristóbal de Morales, Costanzo Festa, Jacob Arcadelt, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Felice Anerio, Gregorio Allegri, Lorenzo Perosi and Domenico Bartolucci. Today the Choir includes 24 adult singers and at least 30 “pueri cantores” who attend the internal school.

The Sistine Chapel Choir is not only a cultural heritage, but it has preserved its executive role during the Papal Celebrations and as the Holy Father personal choir, it has become an instrument for evangelization, ecumenism and dialogue between Christian confessions; a mission that has carried to the encounter with the main world choirs, to international tours and to a conservation and disclosure activity through the recording of one’s own repertoire.

Sistine Chapel Choir

Msrg. Lorenzo Perosi

Msrg. Lorenzo Perosi (born December 21, 1872, Tortona – died October 12, 1956, Rome) was an italian presbyter, composer and choir conductor known as the chief representative of the so-called Cecilian Movement. He was a very prolific author especially in sacred music, famous for his polyphonic masses, motets and oratories, he is distinguished for his compositional style, the result of a mixture of different elements such as the Gregorian inspiration, the influence of the Renaissance period and the Baroque style.

According to Perosi, sound is a variable closely related to words, the text is “sacred” in the religious sense of the term and for this reason his music is at the service of the message that the song wants to convey, since the text is able to inspire and evoke awesomeness to the author.

Perosi’s ideas have considerably influenced contemporary sacred music, the artist played a fundamental role during his historical period, between the end of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century he was, like few others contemporary authors, at the center of a very rich creative activity.

With the celebration of Perosian music we intend to bring back this composer, who has mainly dedicated himself to sacred compositions with his Oratories (more than 20), polyphonic Masses (more than 50) and Motets (more than 300), but also to instrumental and symphonic compositions with its 9 Orchestral Suites, no less important.

A photographic portrait of Mons.Lorenzo Perosi from 1938

BAM Music


BAM Music is a record label, publishing house and web radio based in Geneva (Switzerland) committed to the promotion of various musical genres such as classical, opera and pop music. 

Its aim is to foster the artists and their repertoire at international level, also thanks to several agreements signed with important companies worldwide. 

BAM Music has consolidated its position on the market through the organization of international projects, the management of concert seasons and music competitions, becoming a reference point in Italy and in the world.


Mass of suffrage for the dead of the Choir "Lorenzo Perosi"

Church of Santa Maria

Cave (RM), May 15, 2022

“Lorenzo Perosi” Choir

Adele Rossi, conductor – Armando Pinci, organ


Easter Concert

S. Rufino Cathedral

Assisi, 13th April 2022

Coro dei Cantori di Assisi

Gabriella Rossi, conductor


In program compositions by Lorenzo Perosi

Inauguration of the Perosian Year

150th anniversary of the birth of Lorenzo Perosi

PIMS - Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music

Rome, 21st December 2021, 6:30 PM

Roma Tre Orchestra – Trio


Elisa Eleonora Papandrea, violin

Lorenzo Rundo, viola

Angelo Maria Santisi, cello



L. Perosi: Trio for Strings n. 2 in A min

F. J. Haydn: Trio for Strings op. 53 n. 1 in G maj

F. Schubert: Trio for Strings n. 1 in Bb maj D. 471

Dormi, non piangere

(Lorenzo Perosi)

Romanian Athenaeum - Bucharest (Romania)

20th and 21st December 2021

Filarmonica George Enescu – Conductor Lorenzo Tazzieri

European preview event organized by the Perosi Festival 2021 Association


Transitus Animae

(Lorenzo Perosi)

Lima - (Perù)

Sunday 14th November 2021

Anna Maria Chiuri, mezzo-soprano – Choir and National Orchestra of Peru

World premiere event organized by the Perosi Festival 2021 Association



Sistine Chapel Choir

Via del Monte della Farina, 64
00186 Roma, ROMA – IT

+39 06 686 8553

BAM Music

26 Rue du Grand Bureau,
1227 Les Acacias – Genève – (CH)

+41 22 343.26.20